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Reshaping the transgender economic empowerment policy in Thai businesses 


Project: Reshaping the transgender economic empowerment policy in Thai businesses 

Period: November 14, 2022

Language: English

Partner: Master in Public Management and Policy (PMP) , Università della Svizzera Italiana, Switzerland

Area: Public Policy, Sustainability, Gender Equality, Inclusive Workplace

Trans-inclusive policy is a key success factor on how the business becomes a sustainable organization. Here are why;

1. Sustainable organization, start with sustainable workforce. So start with the foundations that

- create diverse and representative workforce

- establish Inclusive and equitable culture

- foster flexible and empowering workplace

From there, you can

2. Build powerful drivers that

- enhance people capabilities

- attract and retain diverse talents

- come up with best stakeholder and market solutions esp. new generation who has been and will become your employees, customers, even management and ownership.

After, you will

3. Increase competitive advantages through market-leading, productivity, customer service, innovation even risk management.

Consequently, the business will benefit on

4. Sustainable performance and growth.

Remember, without diversity, no innovation, no wealth, no growth

Thank you Manuela Barreca, PhD.Marco Meneguzzo from USI Universita' della Svizzera Italiana for letting me share my purpose and practices in Thai trans-inclusive business policy context to international master students in Master of Public Management and Policy (PMP)

In conjunction with Trans Awareness Week 2022, Transtalents consulting group is committed to helping transform the future of trans and LGB+ economic empowerment.

Learn more at

The Master in Public Management and Policy (PMP) is offered jointly by the Faculty of Economics and the Faculty of Communication Sciences, Culture and Society of the Università della Svizzera italiana, USI, based in Lugano. The PMP program was introduced in 2006 as a pilot project by the Swiss Rector's Conference (CRUS) and promoted by the Swiss Public Administration Network (SPAN) in partnership with the universities of Lausanne - IDHEAP and Bern.




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